Zoning Hearing Board

As required by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), any community enacting a Zoning Ordinance must also create a Zoning Hearing Board. The primary purpose of such a board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the Zoning Ordinance by hearing appeals on the Zoning Officer’s determinations and by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the ordinance in certain hardship situations. Since the board has no legislative power, it can
neither make nor modify zoning policy. Neither does the Zoning Hearing Board have enforcement powers. It is a quasijudicial body; that is, its powers are to some extent judicial in nature.

The board schedules hearings on applications and appeals that come before it, takes evidence, and issues written decisions with findings of fact and conclusions of law. It must limit its scope of activities to those permitted by the MPC and by the local Zoning Ordinance.

Walker Township Zoning Hearing Board

 George King 618 Deerville Rd, Mifflintown, PA  717-436-6624
 Gregg Corman 245 Dogle LN., Mifflintown, PA  717-535-5251
George Hazard 113 Whitetail Drive Mifflintown, PA 17059  717-994-5184
 Don Zagurski,
117 Main st, Mifflin, PA 17058 717-436-8044

The Walker Township Zoning Hearing Board meets as needed.