Planning Commission
The Planning Commission’s main purpose is to guide land use and development, a responsibility delegated by the State to local municipalities. To accomplish this, the Planning Commission has formalized its goals and policies in a Comprehensive Plan, a Zoning Ordinance, and an official map. Through meetings and public hearings, it oversees the administration of the latter two documents. All are revised and updated to reflect the evolving ideas about how a community should grow. In
these and other activities, the Commission attempts to solve current problems and to present to the community a plan for the future.
The Planning Commission meets at 6:00 pm on the first Monday of each month at the Walker Township Municipal Building.
Walker Township Planning Commission
Gerald Hack | Member | 509 Swamp Rd, Mifflintown, PA | 717- 436-5453 |
Dean Walton | Chairman | 630 Deerville Rd
Mifflintown, Pa 17059 |
717-436-2305 |
Glenn Supplee | Secretary | 2503 Jonestown Rd, Thompsontown, PA | 717- 535-5730 |
D Richard Hackenberger | Member | 8892 William Penn Hwy, Mifflintown PA | 717- 535-5648 |
Chris Casner | Member | 255 Walker Twp Park Lane
Mifflintown, Pa 17059